


Welcome to The Future Channel at Planet Earth Radio. The
Future Channel gives you access to the amazing
minds of the geniuses creating and predicting
the changes that are transforming our world. The breathtaking speed of change
will only accelerate in the years ahead. Listen now - your future's
not what it used to be.
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27 minutes |
to the New Future
- Dr James Canton
our special interview with Dr James Canton, one of
the world’s leading futurists, we see a new
future with remarkable breakthroughs in computing,
technology and healthcare. Dr Canton is founder of
the Institute for Global Futures. His predictions
range from video enabled holographs to organs
grown on order and the dream of downloading the
contents of your own brain. |

29 minutes |
this the Sound of our Global Consciousness?
Roger Nelson
remarkable scientific project is underway to find
out if it’s possible to measure our global
consciousness. Even the scientists leading the
project were sceptical, until they started
noticing major fluctuations in their measurements
around key global events, such as September 11.
They’ve now turned their analysis of what may be
the planet’s consciousness into sound patterns,
which you’ll hear on this interview with Project
Director Roger Nelson. If this turns out to be the
sound of Planet Earth’s consciousness, remember
that you hear it first on Planet Earth Radio! |

20 minutes
the Smart Mobs
- Howard Rheingold
Smart mobs
emerge when communication and computing
technologies amplify human talents for
cooperation. The technologies that are beginning
to make smart mobs possible are mobile
communication devices and pervasive computing -
inexpensive microprocessors embedded in everyday
objects and environments. Smart Mobs author Howard
Rheingold says the impacts of smart mob technology
already appear to be both beneficial and
destructive. Governments have fallen, youth
subcultures have blossomed, new industries have
been born and older industries have launched
furious counterattacks. |
The Future of Money
The 21st Century is likely to see major changes
in money and how we use it. New types of
non-government currency and possible new global
currencies are predicted by Bernard Lietaer, a
leading global authority on money. But you're likely
to be particularly shocked at his warning on the
currency most likely to be facing a meltdown. The
picture on the left will give you a clue.

22 minutes
Dr Tomorrow is
coming to get you!
Dr Tomorrow
is an 83 year old futurist who has some stark
messages on life during the rest of the 21st
century. Your college degree will be worthless,
those who fail to embrace change will face disaster,
the education system will collapse, futurists will
be out of a job because they wont be able to keep up
with change, and out of work CEO’s will take mind
altering drugs to help them learn new stuff. Step
into your remarkable future with the one and only
Frank Ogden – ‘Dr Tomorrow.’

34 minutes
Getting to the
Better Future – John Renesch
Our future
holds great promise, but only if we can break out of
a global addiction for mass consumption, debt and
over spending. That’s according to John Renesch, a
leading authority on business, consciousness and
social transformation. He believes that we can get
to the “better
future" but it will involve some major shifts
in human thinking. Nevertheless he’s optimistic
that the human spirit can create it once people set
their minds and hearts to it.
Plan Example
